Friday, March 12, 2010

Leah's accident 3/9/10

We got up this day and had plans. I had to get some clothes washed and folded that morning and get the house picked up then we were going to get baths and take our van to Jerry's shop to have a tune-up done. Well it got a little late on us so we decided to eat lunch at home instead of going on so I asked everybody what we were going to eat for lunch and they wanted spaghetti. I put the sauce in the pot and started the water. When it got boiling Leah and David(as usual) grab a chair and come over to help mommy. I asked them to get down a couple of times and David got down first. When Leah was trying to get down she lost her balance and fell toward the stove grabbing or hitting the pot and knocking it off onto her. The water poured on her arm,side,back and some of her leg. The water was a rolling boil and I grabbed her up and jerked her clothes off but it was already to late. Her skin started peeling and blistering. I was SCREAMING for my husband and my sons were screaming for "Daddy". Robbie went charging up the stairs yelling Leah's hurt bad...Daddy hurry. I grabbed the phone and called 911 and wrapped her in a clean sheet. She laid on the couch on with her head of my leg til the ambulance got there to get us. John drove the boys in the van and when we got here I had to sit in the waiting room and answer a bunch of questions from the doctor about what happened and how much she weighed from birth til now, medications and things. After an hour or two we were allowed to see her. She was SO PITIFUL. We comforted her as much as we could. She was doped up and jumping all over the place because of the med's. From there it has been a ride but we have had some AWESOME NURSES at Children's Medical Center. We're very blessed they are amazing.
She ended up with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her body from this. The doctor day say we will be here a minium of 6wks and she will go through 10 surgeries for the burns while here. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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