Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 3-Today was an ok day...

She isn't sleeping good and in alot of pain but they stopped the morophine because they thought she was having a reaction to it but decided it wasn't and started giving it to her again because she was in SO MUCH pain the night before. They lowered the dose and she did pretty good with it. She ate a little and talked some. She doesn't like when the nurses come in here and bother her. She is getting to be quite the little diva.(which is just fine!) She has surgery tomorrow for the first deep removal of dead skin and they will use cadaver skin on her arm and side. Then a on Tuesday or so of next week graft her to put a thin layer of her skin on that area before her body rejects it.(the body rejects the cadaver skin within 10days) After that they will start the process over again with the cleaning of another area and cadaver skin and will keep doing that process til she has been grafted and has new skin on each area that needs it.

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